Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jen's status

Jen is still having occasional seizures although they are more mild and less frequent since increasing her seizure medication.  Of course, with the increase in seizure medication there is also increased tiredness.  Jen continues to have difficulty using her right hand, but today she seems to have a little more strength and dexterity with it than a few days ago - so hopefully more recovery is still possible.  Jen uses a walker now due to her balance issues and her speech and word finding abilities continue to be a challenge for her.  On top of this she is still experiencing pain from the Avastin - even though it should be mostly out of her system by now.  We are not sure whether this will improve or not.  She is still scheduled for surgery next Tuesday.  Jen is having another MRI tomorrow and we don't expect it to be good news.  The real issue will be whether to move forward with surgery and the CAR-T trial.  This is probably Jen's last chance and it is a slim one, but it holds the possibility of having a dramatic effect.  The issue presently though, is even if the trial works, Jen's disabilities are not likely to improve and will probably worsen from the surgery and time until the CAR-T infusions begin.  There is a chance that the immunotherapy drug Jen had 2 weeks ago could at least help to hold that growth at bay - we will have to see.  Jen still wants to fight.  We both have concerns over how well she will do with the surgery and recovery afterwards, but the right attitude is half the battle.  We may learn more tomorrow from Jen's MRI and visit with her doctor.  I will keep you updated.  Please keep sending your thoughts and prayers Jen's way.

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