Thursday, March 8, 2018

Stable Scan!!!

Jen had another stable scan today!  She will begin her 8th cycle of chemo for the current round on Tuesday.  Not sure if this will be her last round of chemo or if we will do more.  If she stops taking the chemo the cancer could come back right away - or not.  There also exists a possibility that the cancer could become hyper mutated due to the chemo.  This is a known issue with the chemo that Jen is taking.  So not enough can be bad and too much can also be bad.  There unfortunately is no way of knowing what the right amount is.  We are seeing her doctor at Cedars Sinai next week and will consult with him as well.  As we are getting closer to a possible opening at City of Hope for their CAR-T trial we must also keep that in mind as well.  I will be reaching out to them to see where she is at in line.  She will probably need to stop chemo about 4 weeks before eligibility for their trial.  Hopefully we will be able to consult with everyone involved in Jen's care and come to at least a decent consensus about what the next steps may be.  I will keep everyone informed as we learn more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Awaiting Jen's next scan tomorrow

Jen's next scan is tomorrow.  The days really do seem to fly by.  Jen has been discharged from Physical Therapy, but continues to do her workouts at home.  She has really become refocused and disciplined about it.  She realizes there is a good possibility that she may be in for more surgery this year and wants to be as strong as possible to enable a speedy recovery.  Overall Jen has been doing pretty well.  The chemo continues to wipe her out for about a week each month, and her overall energy since resuming the chemo last August has declined, much like it did during her first year of chemo back in 2015.  The chemo affects her platelets, hemoglobin, and white cell counts and it will take a while for these to come back once she stops taking the chemo.  Jen continues to have memory issues that seem to have gotten a little worse in the last 6 months, but her doctors think this may have more to do with the radiation than the cancer itself.  Unfortunately, since Jen has multiple inoperable tumors, she also received a greater area of radiation than someone who has only a single resected tumor.  As always, please continue to keep Jen in your thoughts and prayers.  I will post the scan results tomorrow or Friday.

We had our annual Oscar party this past Sunday.  Of course we failed to take a single picture.  We had a lot of fun and managed to see a lot of films leading up to it.  We also managed to get to see 2 concerts - one of our favorite things to do together.

The Musical Box

Jen and I at Gogol Bordello

Gogol Bordello