Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Swinging for the Fences

Jen is still recovering from her latest chemo, but doing okay.  We have come up with a game plan for Jen's next step.  Regardless of whether or not the chemo is working, we have decided not to schedule the next cycle.  Instead, we are moving forward with the CAR-T trial.  Hopefully the chemo is working and can either shrink the tumor or at least prevent it from growing prior to surgery.  Jen will be having surgery on either the 14th or 21st of August.  They will try and debulk as much of the actively growing tumor as possible and put in shunts for drug infusion.  After the surgery, Jen will need to go to an acute rehab center again and then begin receiving the CAR-T infusions sometime around September 4th.  The surgery will be done as an awake procedure to try and preserve as much of Jen's language ability as possible.

Needless to say this is a risky approach, but also probably Jen's last chance to really try for something novel.  The surgery could really leave Jen with some additional disabilities, but if the cancer continues to progress, she will also have increased impairments or worse.  As I mentioned we will be stopping the present chemo/Avastin regimen.  But if it does work, we will always be able to start it up again if the CAR-T fails.

Jen and I are both scared about the upcoming surgery, but we also realize that this is probably her best shot at any potentially meaningful treatment.  Jen will also be a part of the next group that will receive an even higher dose of the regimen than any patient has received before.  Hopefully there will be no issues with toxicity, and hopefully the increased dose will prove to be even more effective.

It's hard to give up on a course of treatment before we know if it is even working, but if it does work and we wait for it to fail, the chance that the timing will work out for Jen's involvement in the trial is probably slim.  Also, if the tumor grows too much, she will no longer even be a candidate for the trial.  I will update you as things get closer and as we learn more.  Please continue to keep Jen in your prayers.

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