Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Brief Update while awaiting more info

Jen has rebounded from the chemo but is still having pain from the last Avastin infusion 2 1/2 weeks ago.  Her platelet count has been okay so far, but it may still drop more in the next 1-2 weeks.  This Thursday will be Jen's next scan as well as a full day at City of Hope.  We hope the chemo has held the cancer at bay - we will know Thursday.  If there is some growth, then we hope she is still able to qualify for the trial and the surgery.  I will let you know how everything goes.

For those of you that have not seen or talked to Jen in a little while, she has had some increased difficulties over the last few months.  She had two recurrences within the last 3 months and one of the cruelest aspects of brain cancer is that every time there is growth, the deficits are increased as well.  Jen has more difficulty with her balance.  She uses a cane almost all the time now and does need more help with some tasks.  She also has more difficulty communicating.  She can still do it, but writing takes even longer and requires a lot more concentration.  When Jen speaks, she often has a harder time finding the words that she wishes to use.  She can still carry on a conversation, but sometimes it is a little more taxing for her and takes her a little longer to get out what she wants to say.  I can't say whether things are any worse since starting the chemo though, so we are hopeful that the scan will be good.

Jen also had another seizure this past Friday.  It was much more like her usual small ones, but the mouth twitching was a little more exaggerated and it did last for about 3 1/2 minutes, so about twice as long as her typical ones.

One thing we did recently that Jen really wanted to do was to go to the movie theater and see the Rocky Horror Picture Show again.  This is something that we haven't done in over 30 years, but did do together on an early date back in Virginia.  We gathered up a few friends and went to the midnight showing 2 Saturdays ago.  Jen had a blast and we all really loved going to see it again.  Over 40 years later, it still sold out.  This last Sunday, Jen's old boss John invited us over for dinner at his place.  Jen and John have always been close and he has really been a good friend.  Thank you John and Andre for having us over, Jen and I both really enjoyed hanging out.

Jen & John
As always, please keep Jen in your thoughts and prayers for her upcoming scan this Thursday as well as the upcoming surgery.  I will try and post an update on Thursday or Friday.

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