Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A site update and some good news

First, the news that I know many of you are anticipating.  Jen's latest MRI scan was stable!  The report read "Essentially stable examination.  The peripherally enhancing lesions in the left frontal and temporal lobes may be marginally improved from before.  No progressive T2/FLAIR hyperintense signal abnormality."  We are obviously happy for a stable scan, but more excited by the possibility that there may even be marginal improvement.  The reports are usually conservative in nature, but to Jen's, mine and the doctor's eyes we all saw some areas of very slight improvement.  This is especially exciting considering the low dose of chemo Jen is on.

Meanwhile, Jen's platelets will hopefully continue to do well on this low dose.  They are currently falling and are lower than they were in the previous cycle at this point, but they are still high enough to resume chemo if they do not fall much further.  If her platelets hold, Jen will be resuming chemo this Sunday.

I have updated the site as well (a little later than I had wanted to) to reflect that May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month.  Please check out the links and get informed.  More than 69,000 Americans will be diagnosed with a primary brain tumor this year.  There are more than 120 kinds of brain tumors and Glioblastoma is not only the most common (affecting 40% of those with brain cancer), it is also the most deadly.

My family has safely returned to their homes back east.  We really enjoyed having my parents and brother out for a visit.  This was the first time Jen or I had seen them since this whole journey began.


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