Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jen's latest blood draw

I just realized, I never published the previous update I had written.  My apologies.  I have begun with that posting and then move on to a more current update:

Jen had her latest blood draw on Monday (Jan 26).  Her platelet levels were up, but not enough to resume chemo yet.  Unfortunately, her white counts have now moved lower to the point where these are also preventing her from resuming the chemo.  Her next blood draw will be next Monday and hopefully everything will have improved by then.

Jen's doctor at Cedars is very concerned with the fact that she is not tolerating the chemo.  He supports moving forward with a different drug called Avastin.  This is a drug that UCLA has discussed with us as well, but they don't believe she should begin taking it at this time.  It is a powerful drug that most brain cancer patients eventually end up using, but it also has potential serious side effects, although it doesn't affect platelets and white counts the way chemo does for some patients.  Another major drawback to starting Avastin, is that once a patient begins it's use they are no longer eligible for many of the clinical trials available that they might otherwise be able to participate in.  Jen is not a candidate for any clinical trials presently as she is still non recurrent (the cancer hasn't begun to grow again since beginning radiation/chemo).  We are weighing options, but can't proceed down either path until her blood levels return.  We will know more next Monday after her blood draw.

So, Monday's blood draw showed an increase in platelets and white cell counts.  Her platelets are now high enough to resume chemo, but her white counts are just shy.  We will have another blood draw on Friday when we also see the seizure specialist at UCLA for a follow up.  Jen has been seizure free now for 2 weeks since increasing her medication.

Our biggest issue is wrestling with what to do next.  We are at a crossroads.  We have 2 of the best doctors from 2 of the world's best centers for brain cancer and we have 2 different opinions on how to proceed.  It was great when they were in agreement, but I guess ultimately this is why you seek out a second opinion.  We are just trying to do as much research as possible and hopefully arrive at the best informed decision we can.  Lots to consider.

Today, Feb 4th is also World Cancer Day.  We are at least fortunate enough to live in the US and have access to leading cancer facilities.  Not everyone has these same options.

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