Friday, December 19, 2014

My thoughts and feelings.

It’s kinda hard to say this myself. Some of you know, some of you don’t, that I’ve been struggling with brain cancer for the past five months. Many of you have wanted to know how things are going, but haven't wanted to bombard us with calls or texts, worried that you may be a bother. For that we have set up this website where we’ll post periodic updates on how I’m doing and the treatment options we are exploring. And by the way, I enjoy hearing from each and every one of you - it is never a bother. Please keep the calls coming as well.

Additionally, my very good friend Mary Moeller has also set up a YouCaring Site to help raise funds since our medical expenses keep rising as our income is dwindling. If you want to donate directly please use the link on this website.

At 45 years of age, healthy all of my life, my college sweetheart for my husband, and a wonderful life so far - who would have thought I would have ended up with inoperable Glioblastoma. I’m going to keep fighting the fight, and there is a lot to it believe me! So I wouldn’t exactly consider this a blog, but do check in for periodic updates.