Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another Stable Scan!!!

Jen’s scan today was stable!!!  There is still this one little finger like appendage in the new growth (from August) that had concerned Jen’s doctor a couple of months ago.  It does not appear to have changed since then though, but still bears watching.  There are other areas of the newer growth however that do appear as if they may have shrunk a little.

Jen is scheduled to resume chemo on Tuesday if her blood levels hold.  Jen has also come down with a cold or flu and has been pretty out of it since yesterday.  We are trying to give her as much rest as possible so that she can hopefully beat this sickness soon.  If she is still sick next week it could possibly delay her ability to resume the chemo on time.

Next week Jen also has appointments with wound care at UCLA for her scalp irritation and Cedars for a follow up with her Neuro Oncologist there.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers and we wish everyone all the best for the holidays.


  1. Yay! This is all good news!!
    Love, Brian & Tashina

  2. What amazing news. I love you Jennifer Miller. Hope you get over your cold in time for Christmas. xxxxx
