Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Another Update

Well it has been another busy month.  Jen completed her second round of chemo and has since recovered from that, but she was sick briefly and has had a real problem with her allergies for the last several weeks.  We have now tried 4 different types of allergy medicines for Jen and they either didn't work or had really bad side effects for her.  Jen has had a rough couple of weeks.  She fell 4 times in the span of a week and a half and generally has been more tired and a little more confused at times.  Her doctor at Cedars told us that it could be delayed deficits due to the growth that Jen had before her last stable scan.  It could also be a sign of continued growth, or he also felt that it could very likely be the result of her being sick and her allergies flaring up as well as the allergy meds that she has been taking.  We will know more this week.  Jen's next scan is this Thursday.  Jen also had an FMRI which we should get the results of on Thursday as well.  An FMRI (Functional MRI) is done to see if surgery is even a possibility for Jen.
My parents visited with us for 9 days during the end of September.  They were literally on the plane in the air headed to see us when we got the results of Jen's last scan.  We had debated whether or not to postpone their visit due to the timing, but Jen felt that she wanted to visit with them regardless of the scan results. Jen has known my parents for 30 years now and Jen considers them family.  Fortunately, the scan news was good and we had a very pleasant visit along with a huge sigh of relief.
We seem to again have endless medical appointments - something that had lessened while Jen was stable and off chemo.  A lot of second and third opinions as well as blood draws and explorations for clinical trials.  Jen has also been working with an orthotics company trying to get fitted for a device to help control her right knee which has become prone to hyper extension.  This is a problem that she has always had to a small degree, but one that has gotten worse in recent months.
Please continue to send all the positive love and support as we hope for good news this Thursday.  I will keep you updated.
Now for some pictures.
My parents

Enjoying a day with my parents.
We also managed to see a couple of shows.
At the Gorillaz show

Catching the spotlight as it washes over the audience
At the Wiltern with Kathy, Lisa, & Earl

On stage at the Wiltern - Joan Baez, Patty Griffin, Steve Earl, Lucinda Williams,
Brandi Carlile & more