I know it's been a while since I posted anything and would like to update everyone with how things are going and what Jen and I have been up to.
Jen has had two small seizures since I last posted. The last one was about 3 weeks ago and the previous one was about a month prior to that. These were both small and although we would prefer a longer period of seizure free activity this is a great reduction from the cluster that she had around the time of her last scan and we are grateful for that. Jen has also resumed Physical Therapy. This isn't due to greatly increased deficits, but there are a few bad habits that Jen has gotten into with her gait as a result of constantly wearing an AFO to correct her drop foot as well as always carrying around a backpack for her Optune device. We have to always be judicious about how we use her PT, as to not go over the insurance allotment for the year. This will especially be important if she ever has cause to go back in for surgery as she will need intensive rehab after. Jen's next scan is coming up on the 24th of this month - only 1 week from today. This will be the longest period yet between Jen's scans at 10 weeks. As always, please keep Jen in your thoughts and prayers.
As you are all aware by now, Senator John McCain was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. What you may not realize is that he also has glioblastoma. The same type of brain cancer that Jen has. One of the members of our brain tumor support group forwarded me an article written by a fellow glioblastoma survivor. He particularly highlighted a couple of sentences from the article that he found especially moving. I agree and share them with you as well.
"The element often lost amid the high-tech therapy is patient power. It is patients’ actions, knowledge and strength that, in tandem with world-class scientists and supportive public servants, will find a way through. ... I imagine most people feel a surge of pity for Mr. McCain. I do, too. But I also feel something more powerful: solidarity. I wouldn’t wish membership in this club on anyone, Senator, but now you’re a member, you’ll find the warmest of welcomes."
The full article can be read here:
As Lindsey Graham said in response to news of John McCain's brain cancer diagnosis.
"This disease has never had a more worthy opponent." I would have to agree, but then again, Lindsey has never met Jen.
A quick reminder to those in the LA area. Jen is undertaking a walk for brain cancer on Nov. 11th. We will post details very soon, but in the meantime would like to alert everyone in the area who would like to walk with Jen to keep the date open. It will be a morning walk and should be finished by early afternoon.
This week also marks 30 years that Jen and I have been together! We met at a mutual friend's Birthday Party going to a dance club and have been together ever since. As I have mentioned previously, Jen and I are avid music fans and the summer is the biggest concert season - so we have been to a few shows recently with some of our friends. We also took a daytrip to go wine tasting and hit the beach. Now for some pictures.
Our first concert at the Hollywood Bowl this year. We saw Queen. |
At the Queen show with Jen's old boss John and his friend Lynn. |
At the Greek theater with Tom. Seeing one of Jen's favorite artists - Nick Cave. |
Nick Cave. |
Back to the Bowl for Dudamel conducting Beethoven's Ninth. |
Getting away for a day to wine country. |
After wine tasting we headed to the beach where Jen & I walked for about 2 miles.
Jen is trying to get ready for the 5K I mentioned earlier. |
Alt-J at the Shrine. |
Our friend Tim and us at the Alt-J show. |
And lastly we caught Steve Earle at the Troubadour this past weekend. |
Jen posing with Steve Earle. |
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