Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22 - One Year on this journey

It was exactly one year ago that Jen had her first seizure that started us down this road.  Her diagnosis wasn't until about a month later and that is the date that is used in terms of survival time.  More on that next month.  Jen has completed her 8th cycle of chemo and is still doing well.  As I write this, a year ago, Jen had yet to have her first seizure that wouldn't happen for about another hour.  It is sobering how much life can change in the span of moments.  This year has certainly brought with it lots of trials and difficulty, but it has also brought an immense amount of love and support.  We are both eternally thankful for all the help that we have received from friends and family.  This journey would have been much harder without it.  We continue to take each day as a blessing and are hoping for many more together.

Today, we decided to go swimming for the first time since this all started.  It was the day for Jen to have her arrays changed for the Novocure, so we took the opportunity with her free and disconnected for a couple of hours to go for a dip.  Jen said it was one of the most relaxing things she has done in the last year.


  1. Fantastic all around! Can't wait until October! -Brian & Tashina

  2. Love the update and the pool photos! Joshua would love to swim sometime with his Auntie Jen!

  3. Love these photos. You look great. Must see you soon.

    Love you tons.

    Cluckie. xxxx
