Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jen and Randy take in a concert.

One of the things that Jen and I have always enjoyed doing together is to see live music.  About 3 weeks ago, Jen decided she wanted to see the band The Swans when they came to LA.  We weren't sure how it would go - the band is not for the timid, but we decided to give it a try.  We went last night.  The venue was terrific and even though it was a standing only show, they allowed us to enter the venue before the crowd and arranged seating for us.  Even with a seat available, once the headliner came on Jen had trouble staying in it.  She was on her feet dancing and grooving for half the show.  She and I both thought the show was incredible and Jen said she felt the music was both cathartic and healing.  They say music is good for the soul, hopefully it's good for healing cancer as well.  Certainly the positive emotions music can bring can only help.


  1. Tashina and I are so glad you guys went and had a great time!

  2. OMG this totally warms my heart. Love you guys. Cluckie. xxxx
