Sunday, March 1, 2015

Jen's thoughts & feelings

It's me, Jen popping in again.

I love the photos Randy posted from our walk through the gardens from Thursday. What a beautiful place, and Randy mentioned my affinity for birds, well, lets just say that is an understatement!  For those who don't know me well, I've picked up a new hobby of birding. You may call me a Bird Nerd. Unfortunately, since our walk was so spontaneous I wasn't prepared with binoculars (thank you Mom and Dad) or my phone camera.  It was a lovely afternoon!

Overall, I'm feeling strong, and healthy. I'm exercising every day now, and beginning to practice deep breathing and meditation exercises. I'm even looking into Tai Chi and Qigong. My physical therapist says it will be good for balance and concentration.  There are some classes offered for free for cancer patients! (Locals: Be on the lookout for requests for transportation. All classes are in Sherman Oaks.) And as you all know, I'm still on a Ketogenic diet and doing well with it, thanks to the help of Jen and Tim.

So far, I've had no real side effects of the Optune/Novocure TTF (that is the thing that literally has "Traducer Arrays" taped to my scalp), outside of lugging the 8 lb device around with me all day.

Tomorrow's the big day. Next MRI, followed by a discussion with my neuro-oncologist about next steps.  I'm kind of half-terrified, and half-excited for the results.  I feel so good, and strong and ready to beat this thing's ass.  Wish me luck!


  1. So glad you are feeling well and doing all those activities! I'm going out of town until the 10th but when I'm back I can help with driving, etc. Love to you both!!! XOXO-Lisa

    P.S. I'm going to Columbus Ohio where its still crazy cold. Aren't you jealous?

  2. It warmed my heart to read your post about walking through the Japanese Gardens near Lake Balboa. What a lovely spot and how fabulous that birds were everywhere. Hoping everything went well today and your MRI gave you good results.

    I love you and miss you so much.


  3. Tashina and I loved the photos! We only wish we could join you guys... Stay strong and we'll see you for the music listening shindig you told us about!!!
