Jen during a birthday party for her before she got sick. She loved Maryland Blue Crabs & I had these flown in for the occasion. Happier Times! |
I just wanted to remind everyone that the party for Jen is less than 2 months away. It will be on Saturday, August 31st (Jen's actual Birthday) and will begin around 6 pm and go until whenever. This party is for Jen! This is part of her wishes. The memorial was really for everyone else, but Jen wanted a party for those that loved her to be able to come together and celebrate her life. I welcome all who knew Jen and would like to come. I know there will most likely even be some out of town guests. The party will be at our house. Please spread the word as everyone may not still be following the blog. As this is a public blog, I have set up an email account for anyone who needs more info or my address. The email is
jensmemorialparty@gmail.com Please feel free to email or call me if you wish to help out or just need more info. As I am sure to get a lot of spam on a publicly posted email, please identify yourself so I will know to respond.